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LATE LAKSHMAN  KADIRGAMAR Senior Advisor President, Colombo, Sri Lanka
SUBHASH  KAK Delaune Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of Asian Studies and Cognitive Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
S  KALYANARAMAN Former Senior Executive, Asian Development Bank, Manilla, Philippines; Director, Sarasvati Nadi Shodh Prakalp, Chennai, India
P M KAMATH Professor of Politics, Department of Civics and Politics, University of Bombay, Mumbai, India
  KANCHAN DEVI PhD Scholar, Department of Economics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India
SERGEY  KAPITZA Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Vice President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia
KAPIL  KAPOOR Head of English and Sanskrit Studies and former Pro-Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal University, New Delhi, India
VIJAY  KAPUR Professor of Marketing, Sales and Strategic Management; Chair, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
HARISH  KAPUR Professor Emeritus, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
J C KAPUR Chairman, Kapur Surya Foudation; Founder ad Co-Chairman of World Public Forum, New Delhi, India
RANJANA  KAUL Lawyer, Author, Legal Advisor, Delhi Commission for Women, New Delhi, India
Kuljit  Kaur Head, Department of Law, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
EMILIAN  KAVALSKI Professor, Loughborough University, Department of European and International Studies, Loughborough, UK
Todd  Keister Author; Lieutenant, New York State Police; Former US Navy Intelligence Specialist (DIA), Albany, New York, USA
ELTON  KESSEL MD, Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina chapel Hill, NC, USA
K S KHAJURIA Former Commandant of the National Defence College, New Delhi, India . Former Commandant of the National Defence College, New Delhi, India
ADIL HASAN KHAN Researcher, International Environmental Law Research Group (IELRC); Bhopal, India
THANAT  KHOMAN Thailand's Foreign Minister 1959-71 and Deputy Prime Minister 1980-82
V H MANEK KIRPALANI Professor Emeritus, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada; Visiting Distinguished Professor of International Business, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland
ARJUN VISHNU KIRPALANI Assistant Professor, Institute of Marketing and Management, New Delhi, India
ARJUN  KIRPALANI Consultant, New Delhi, India
AUDREY E KITAGAWA Lawyer; Advisor to a UN Agency; Convenor on the World Commission of Global Consciousness and Spirituality and Member of the Values Caucus, USA
TODOR  KONDAKOV Secretary, Bulgarian Geopolitical Society; Editor-in-Chief, Geopolitics Magazine, Sofia, Bulgaria
Srikanth  Kondapalli Author; Professor in Chinese Studies, Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
ANDREI  KORTUNOV President, Moscow Public Science Foundation Former Deputy Director, US and Canada Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Russia
NARAYAN S KOTVI Research Officer, Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Simla, India
KAMINI  KRISHNA Ph.D; Archaeologist; Author; Lecturer, Humanities and Social Scieces, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
NADHAVATHNA  KRISHNAMRA Member of Thailand's Foreign Service, Geneva, Switzerland
Rita Dixit Kubiak Author; Director, Big Medicine's "Eco-Somatic Energy Study Tours", ME, USA
W Daivd Kubiak "Project Censored" award-winning journalists; Chair, Big Medicine Board, ME, USA
PANKAJ  KUMAR Lecturer, Haldia Law College, Haldia, West Bengal, India
NEHA  KUMAR Research Officer, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi, India
ATUL  KUMAR Colonel (Indian Army), Alumnus of Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, Ranchi, India
VEENA RAVI KUMAR Reader, Department of Political Science, Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
ATUL  KUMAR Associate Fellow, Energy Environment Policy Division, TERI, New Delhi, India
VIVEK  KUMAR Associate Fellow, Centre for Global Environment Research, TERI; adjunct faculty, TERI University; New Delhi, India
ARVIND  KUMAR Idology Scholar, Computer Consultant, New Zealand
P R KUMARASWAMY Associate Professor, School of ?International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
VERGHESE  KURIEN Former Chairman, National Dairy Development Board, Chairman, National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India, Anand, India